Thursday, December 22, 2011

God's System of Justice for Victims

This brief bio was copied from entry for the same, and cited Wiki Source.

Edward Riley Boyd known as Eddie Boyd (November 25, 1914–July 13, 1994) was a blues piano player born on Stovall’s Plantation near Clarksdale, Mississippi, where Muddy Waters also lived. He moved to the Beale Street district of Memphis, Tennessee in 1936 where he played piano and guitar with his group, the Dixie Rhythm Boys. Boyd followed the great migration northward to the factories of Chicago in 1941.

He wrote and recorded the hit songs “Five Long Years” (1952), “24 Hours” (1953), and the “Third Degree” (co-written by Willie Dixon, also 1953). Boyd toured Europe with Buddy Guy’s band in 1965 as part of the American Folk Blues Festival. He later toured and recorded with Fleetwood Mac and John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers.

Tired of the racial discrimination he experienced in the United States, he first moved to Belgium, then settled in Finland in 1970. He recorded ten blues records in Finland, the first being Praise to Helsinki (1970). He married his wife, Leila, in 1977. His last blues gig took place in 1984. After that he performed only gospel.

Boyd died in 1994 in Helsinki, Finland, just a few months before Eric Clapton released a chart-topping blues album that included Boyd’s “Five Long Years” and “Third Degree”. 

Any blues artist born between about 1915 to 1940 or so you can bet was black.  Just with anecdotal evidence similar to this one citing from you can surmise the musician was born in the south and probably very poor, disadvantaged, with very hard farm and plantation labor not very far away in their life.  More than a little likely they were descendants of or direct descendants of slaves.  Discrimination was common and injustice, inequality, and prejudice.  

I believed that God looked down on this and blessed the victims and sealed the fates of the unjust society that existed at that time.  After all what can a few poor blacks do with a guitar and a piano?  No TV, little radio, little money but only a social network of people.  Churches , communities, days off with picnics, hot nights spent outside with neighbors.  They had no one to appeal to and stand up for them in any regular or predictable fashion like the whining we hear from Muslim immigrants. The constant drumbeat of court cases and CAIR complaints from people who don't even have it 1/10th as bad as these black men.

Yet the God of music looked down and blessed their minds and their hands. Little by little a billion dollar industry was built and from that sprang a multi-billion dollar industry of rock and roll and the rest is history.  All the big names you have known and loved in the 70's, 80's , 90's until now sprang from the hardship and harshness and misery of pre-MLK mindsets.  

I am still waiting to see the glorious contributions to society that all the 'suffering' Muslims around the US are going to make.  But their column of talent and contribution is still completely blank.  All I see are shaking fists, insidious attempts to breach our Constitution, threats of war and debasing hatred of anything non-Muslim.

The prophet Micah in the Old Testament said "But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me."  The Lord does not fail when you wait upon him.  Now what you do with one of the blessing of God is a man's test.  Talent can be used for good or for evil celebration of depravity.  See now what men and women of both races have done with their freedom.  It sometimes becomes a noose in which your sentence is to die of a drug overdose or a disease of a immoral lifestyle.  Used rightly the result is your foot is tapping the entire time the songs are playing!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Government, Protests, Ayn Rand, Christmas and G-d

"Atlas Shrugged" and "Atlas Shrugs" are iconic but as we get closer to the celebration of the birth of Christ I think these words add to the conversation:
Isaiah 9:5-7
"Every warrior’s boot used in battle
and every garment rolled in blood
will be destined for burning,
will be fuel for the fire.
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of his government and peace
there will be no end.
He will reign on David’s throne
and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
with justice and righteousness
from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the LORD Almighty
will accomplish this. "
Amen. And I am so sorry that Ayn Rand discarded these writings as rubbish to invent her own religion. Then as if Isaiah weren't enough assurance messiah himself said in Matthew 28 "When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
All means all and 'end of the age' means end of life as we know it. Words have meanings.
G-d has also granted authority to all governments to govern, even the ones we don't agree with. But this nation is special because we can elect representatives to change the jewelry on the fingers of authorities and government.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Defense Of Marriage Act

Vows of Prince William and Kate Middleton before Godly authority 
in Westminster Abbey, April 29 2011

major upset took place today among the forces of darkness in heavenly places.
Thank you Prince William and Kate Middleton and Great Britain for taking the lead.  Several very positive statements were made today that nobody really was aware of.  That is how deeply ingrained God's will is for men and women in the world He created.  A  plan was made for the furtherance of the species and part of that plan was celebrated worldwide by people of all political persuasions whether they were aware of it or not.

I looked out on the crowds over the TV and worldwide web and saw everyone having a very good time celebrating tradition, God's will, and just being themselves.  People were trying to be their best, look their best, horses looking perfect, cars perfect, shoes, buttons, coats and  carpets!  Some were wearing funny hats some were wading in the fountain of Buckingham Palace, waving flags and banners. They aggressively acted to preserve the rich culture that has so influenced the world for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer.  We humans of all nationalities can get in skirmishes and battles, wars and takeovers.   But these are the affairs of Man that God allows to steer His ultimate will.

came to this earth to be an example on how to live, love, and die.  Did you listen to the vows?  Did you listen to your vows when you got married?  Or were you like Barbara Walters of ABC News and just talk prattle over the voices of the most important part of the ceremony with your own agenda and thoughts?

You see Kate Middleton and see youthful radiance, energy and anticipation.  The Bible in many places speaks directly or alludes to the Messiah coming a 2nd time to snatch his bride, the church (people) from this world to a Heavenly home prepared for us in advance from the beginning of time.  As Pastor Gary Frazier, said one day, Jesus is looking to The Father and saying "Is it time? Is it time?" waiting a little longer The Father says 'no'.  Finally in a day we do not know The Father will say 'it is time' then Christ, here symbolized by Prince William, will come and take His bride.  Do you want to be a part of the that moment in all of history?  Its as easy as ABC.

A. Admit to God that you are a sinner.  B. Believe that Christ died on the cross to save mankind as a substitutionary sacrifice.  C.  Commit your life to Christ as one of His students and tell someone what you have done.

I alluded to several very positive statements made today as the world, filled with evil, looked on in enthusiasm and they are:

  • Marriage is between one man and one woman.  Not between a man and a man or a woman and a woman or a dog and a woman or a horse and a man or one man and n number of women.
  • Powerful and wealthy people submit to the authority of God as God bequeaths that representation of himself to his earthly representatives.  In other words William and Kate submitted to the authority of the priest of the Anglican church.  The Anglican church are not the only Christians but they are Christians only.
  • This is the finest example of how important to God marriage is.
  • Marriage is healthy and positive, widely approved by many witnesses as the only way to go through life with the one you love.
  • Marriage gets its best start in a church.
  • Marriages are performed by church authorities.
Dennis Prager, a talk show radio host, also echoed the same sentiment when he said "Many people around the world today celebrated that marriage is important."
I hope these sentiments have a familiar
of truth to you.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Wind That Shakes The Barley

This is one of my few blog entries that does not need a picture.  Born and raised in the USA I am a newcomer to the Celtic music genre as far as collecting it goes.  I don't recall how I became a fan of Loreena McKennitt except I must have randomly clicked on something and fell in love with a haunting melody.  Reminding me of an old dear friend  at the same time.

Tonight was a special night for me because it's a full moon and I walk our retriever, Coquetta, at night typically.  With "The Wind That Shakes The Barley" newly installed on my player I put in my earphones and walked our dark sidewalks.  I live in Sarasota, Florida which is sub-tropical and on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

Loreena's music took an already gorgeous night and made it haunting and magic at the same time adding to the beauty.  I felt sorry for the people in their houses, with the glow of a TV visible, who miss such a life.  Endless shows with canned laughter and emptiness.  So on my walk there was the dog, our shadows, and moonlight backlighting spanish moss hanging down from oak trees and backlighting palms and bare limb trees and night music.

Barley is an ancient source of food traceable to growing wild in the fertile crescent of civilization.  The lives of the characters of the song story may have revolved around the barley and the growing and harvesting of it.  A basic need controlled by the will of the wind and the weather.  But what a beautiful and visual story element.  Listening to the song your mind's eye can see a heavy shafts of barley as far as you can see waving as the wind touches it. 

There is something deeply programmed into the human soul going back thousands of years when we look at a stem of grain.  Even in my culture, the Christian culture, our God is the God of the Jews and in the Hebrew language the name for God is 'Yhwh', the god that breaths or has breath.  So even the life of the characters is controlled and destinies changed by the breath of God.  Invisible purposes revealed in the passage of time like Joseph being sold into slavery to the Egyptians.  With the passage of time God's purpose was to save the people that committed the act.  Pharoah grew to trust him and by placing Joseph in charge of all the grain of Egypt during 7 years of famine his family's lives were saved.  Out of this family line came another Joseph the daddy to Jesus who wants your trust so you will be preserved as well.

The Wind That Shakes The Barley is the wind that shakes all of us.  We don't know where it is going or where it has been we can only trust The Wind with our very lives.  Buy this album.  Its got old and new stories.  "When I Roved Out" is a happy and sad song, a traditional Gaelic or Irish song done many many times but wow.  Thrill and mystery of life mixed with the promises of an all too human man that may not marry or ever be seen again.  I love the rhythm it was perfect for walking.

Good Night.