Sunday, November 21, 2010

Woman Consumed by Illuminati -

 I write...

    I have read your web page on the prison in Arizona and I have a few comments and questions.  I have never understood the 'scariness' , for lack of a better term, about the subject of the Illuminati.  I believe that we humans can see patterns in almost everything if we want to.  It is part of the language center of our brain that our Creator has endowed upon us.  But what concerns me most is the number of apparent Christians that are dragged away and enticed to devote so much time and energy and focus on the Illuminati and Masonry and 'secret' patterns.  Do you believe that God is in control or these Illuminati?

    In one set of illustrations on that web page you make some points about Walmart.  First of all how did you ever get over the secret scariness of the Internet and the computer to even be on the web in the first place?  I have been with the personal computer industry since the very beginning and remember the irrational beliefs that some Christians had about the machines at that time.  So what makes you think you aren't being scanned and your mind and soul being altered as you read this?

    Back to Walmart-  Walmart is a business that makes money.  It is a legal business entity founded by a Christian man in the 1960's.  They employ people that otherwise would not have health care benefits.  Their real-estate office is vast and it is a Christian quality that we be wise with our money and not waste what God has given.  The intent of Walmart for many years was to proudly carry items for sale that were made in the USA.  However greed and laziness has taken its course in American industry and China is all too ready to fill the vacuum.  It is all about the customer and customer service in the retail world and having a balanced budget.  Something sorely needed in our government.

    Mentioning customer service reminds me of the RFID remarks you made.  Do you have any idea how much theft goes on in America?  The lostness of our people is so great that if theft was allowed to go unchecked in a busy setting like Walmart that it would actually drive up prices more.  To defeat competition, and believe me retail is very competitive, you have to defend yourself while maintaining the supply chain for the volume of customers that have needs.  There are still many low volume items to sell that mom and pop retail can earn a living from.  Tea & Spice Exchange is one good example. 

    I don't think anybody realizes this but the size and volume of Walmart is so great and its distribution system so great and vast and efficient that it is darn near close to being a national security issue.  We have 300,000,000 people in the US that need things and our vast retail system is unparalleled in human history.  But it is a human system that will be judged by God one day and trust me it does not need someone in Alabama frowning about bar code and RFID.  Do you enjoy long lines and manual data entry or do you like efficient service when you want to buy something and just go home?  Then there's Target and Best Buy and many others.  I hope you are still with me at this point because I have one more comment and then a closing from the Bible.

    We live in a broken world full of broken people who have sinned and crossed the line and done some terrible things that will be judged by God one day.  For now mankind, in America, has a system of prisons to keep, punish, and restore as many criminals as possible.  Here is where you come in.  In Arizona it is possible that this detention center may be used for processing people who have illegally crossed our borders with evil intent.  We even have Islamic terrorists crossing our southern border and probably the northern one as well.  We are being invaded.  It is also possible that one prison will be emptied out so that it can be modernized and your detention center of interest may be used for that purpose too.  What have you done to minister to the lost in these prisons?  Go to and read about what Christ has done for Pauline.  I ask that question of myself at the same time I ask you.

    Lastly, I leave you with a passage of scripture about dead men's bones.  You mention Walmart being built over bones although you don't provide proof it doesn't matter.  The very desk you are sitting in could be in a building built over a grave of someone who died a very long time ago and you aren't aware of it.  Given what you have said you should worry about this.  The entire subject about Illuminati is about worry.  God has not given us a spirit of fear but of a sound mind so use your time wisely that you have left on this earth to boldly proclaim Jesus and drop this focus on Illuminati.

1 Peter 5:7-9 (King James Version)

 7Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
 8Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
 9Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.

What if I was from the Ukraine and spoke only Ukrainean?  Would I have to first learn English and then be saved by the King James Version of the bible or could I learn about Christ from the Ukrainean translation?  Your beliefs border on dogma, catma, mysticism and superstition. 

Have a great day of many blessings,

Wade Meyer
Sarasota, FL